Sub-account Affiliate Manager

Universal Affiliate Hierarchy Across Campaigns
Currently, when setting up multiple campaigns within the same sub-account, the affiliate hierarchy (parent affiliate, child affiliate) needs to be recreated for each new campaign. This process is time-consuming and can lead to redundancy in onboarding the same affiliates multiple times. Pain Point: Having to rebuild the affiliate hierarchy from scratch for every new campaign is a tedious and inefficient process. It takes up valuable time and effort that could be better spent on other aspects of campaign management. Proposed Solution: Implement a universal affiliate hierarchy structure that automatically applies to all campaigns within the same sub-account. This means that once an affiliate hierarchy is established, it would remain consistent across any new campaigns created under that sub-account. For example: Sarah is the parent affiliate of Michael Michael is the parent affiliate of Emily With the proposed feature, this hierarchy would be maintained across all campaigns in the sub-account, without the need to onboard Sarah, Michael, and Emily again for each new campaign. Benefits: Saves time and effort by eliminating the need to recreate the affiliate hierarchy for each new campaign Ensures consistency in the affiliate structure across all campaigns Streamlines the affiliate management process, making it more user-friendly and efficient By implementing this feature, the platform will provide a more seamless and intuitive experience for users managing multiple campaigns with the same affiliate relationships.

under review

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