Additional Member level - Moderator etc
Laetitia Boden
The ability to have members marked as different to the rest. For my user case, these are experts that would answer questions the general members have. While anyone can answer that, it would be great to be able to have these experts stand. They could also moderate other member comments - in this case, they are medical experts, and some public answers could be incorrect and dangerous.
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Keith Besherse
- Admin &/o Moderator should have ability to move a post from a public channel to a private channel (or hidden channel when we get that third tier).
- There should be a middle member tier (moderator) who can manage conversations and member status (restrict &/o ban) but not change group settings.
- The Admin should be able to hide the Chat and Invite Members buttons and also hide the member list from regular Contributors.
As an engagement community the current state is a good bicycle (on the skateboard > bicycle > motorcycle > subcompact car > sedan > sports sedan continuum). As a client portal it is too public!
Brett Murray
Help documentation shows a Moderator Role Type but it doesn't exist. We can't give all moderators admin access... This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Keith Besherse
I'd like to save the answers to membership questions. We are doing market segmentation and research here! One way that would play out is we should have record of which admin approved the membership.
Keith Besherse
Keith Besherse
See course progress and comments in addition to posts.
Irfan Khan
Yes it admins can assign badges to members like "Expert", "Top Voice", "Brand Ambassadors", etc.