Save Members Approval Questions
Mical Johnson
Currently we have the ability to create questions for approval before allowing a new member into a group. However, when viewing the answers there is currently no way to save those answers to the contact record without retyping them. You can't even copy/paste because the answer field is greyed out. There also isn't a way to see the answers to the questions after you have approved the user.
I would love the ability to save the membership questions to the contact record so that I can review them later.
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Keith Besherse
We need the questions to be mandatory and we need to save the answers so we can use them for audience segmentation/offer.
Rossco Paddison
Yeh this makes it almost unusable.
Tragic that the right hand isnt talking to the left hand when it comes to anything inside the communities talking to the client records etc in GHL
Keith Besherse
Rossco Paddison, same issue with AI talking to Contact records. We have this great database of information. But new features are rolled out regularly without being synchronized to that data.
Keith Besherse
Also, trigger/filter/action for event registration:
Himaani J
Without the ability to save the 3 membership questions or the ability to analyze that data for improving workflows or sending customized invites to those who would benefit the most, I am not sure what's the point of having them in the first place.
The first chrome extension for grabbing similar data from facebook groups was developed by Kim dang about 5 years ago. It was called Group Convert and it could both collect questions and answers along with a whole bunch of usable information as extracted from the members facebook profile + pass it through zapier to email autoresponders.
Today, this feature has been advanced to an incredibly powerful level when it comes to FB groups but with Highlevel communities, it seems like we have gone back to the stone ages!
How do we run a successful business with this important infrastructure feature missing? Of cousre, the next level would be to ban certain people from repeat requests , send email + SMS notofications upon approval, selective messaging based off answers or radio button choices made and so on...
Shivani Gera
Keith Besherse
When deciding on a new member request, option to immediately ban.
Keith Besherse
Also, for the group admins, I'd like record of which one approved access if manual or if by automation.
Keith Besherse
Trigger a workflow with the filters being which radio button answer the community member selected.
Seamus Reynolds
This is a very BIG MISSED OPPORTUNITY for lead generation. I run a group for a client, and we have added some very specific membership questions to approve their access, and they are giving us massively valuable information, but now it does not exist. Should these questions not be Custom Fields, so that they can be directly associated with the contact who enters them.
Is there currently anywhere that the information someone has entered, has been stored somewhere in the back-end that we can retrieve?
Keith Besherse
Seamus Reynolds, no doubt. What is the point of asking the questions if we aren't doing data analytics, audience segmentation, and nurturing?
Shaun Clark, it would be better to not have the questions at all. Chase Buckner Core Platform Sales & Marketing
Keith Besherse
Keith Besherse
Which members registered. (And the ability to message them.)