Analytics for Downloaded Files in Course Lessons
Oliver Martin
We need to know if a student has downloaded an attached file in a lesson. If they have that should appear in course analytics, which it currently does not. Sometimes these attachments are the main asset or resource in a lesson, so knowing if the file(s) were downloaded by the student is crucial.
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Keith Besherse
Rob Ballentine highlights the negative side of the equation. The positive side is: with the data point and associated trigger we can know where the person is in the process. An example use-case would be:
- Contact has not yet accessed the lesson = reminder email sequence.
- Contact watches 67+% of the lesson but doesn't download the worksheet = reminder to do the homework.
- Contact watches 67+% of the lesson and does download the worksheet = congratulatory message (with question about their result) and reminder to take the next step.
Rob Ballentine
Needed! - Client raises a 'Fraud Dispute' - there is no way of evidencing they 'accessed' the product. Dispute lost.