Allow Community Automations
Robert Kennedy III
As I invite people to my communities, I have them answer questions. I want to be able to create workflows/automations based on their responses to the questions. But there is currently no command or trigger that will allow me to do this.
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Anna Andrea Martinez
Also to be able to Automate/Schedule posts inside of Communities.
Darren Gallagher
Anna Andrea Martinez this would be great!
Anna Andrea Martinez
Darren Gallagher apparently, we can already do this, through the social planner! I tested it this past week. Only issue I can't schedule video links just videos hosted in HL.
Darren Gallagher
Anna Andrea Martinez yes I found this as well. Thanks
Sebastian Cruze
Workflow Automation to “Create a Post” is really needed
Sebastian Cruze
Choosing which channel the Community Post is created in RevEx Group
Nagui Bihelek
100% agree. This should have been in place when questions was added. If it was a form rather than a separate module, we would already have that. I was about to promote one of communities to my network, but without this:
- I have no way of managing who gets approved and who does using a workflow. I would have to do this manually.
- I want to be able to add them as contacts and tag them according to their answer, which I cannot do automatically either.
Please. Please. Please. Let's make this a HIGH-Priority.
Tester2 Muster2
Just allow to add Custom Fields to the registration form
Paul Read
For sure. Based on the group & the answers, we should be able to trigger any workflow actions, including approval into the group.
Annabelen Hemelgarn
This feature would be great. I am trying to create a solution for project teams to interact in a community to go over things and then for events to be triggered or notifications if a person has been tagged. can this already be done in Communities?
Derek Buckley
This would be nice. As I can't fire a facebook pixel after someone joins the community. I have to use a landing page and a form. Would be nice to just use a lander and then link them to the community signup and then have the facebook pixel fire.