Add gamification elements to consumption of course content
Gary Morgan
Award points based on completion of specified goals (i.e. successful completion of quizzes). Points could translate to earning badges or certificates or other prizes). Include a leaderboard to promote friendly competition. Add ability to unlock course content based on achievement of points, badges, etc.
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James Carter
Almost 5 years since the original idea and marked as 'Planned' in December 2023. Any update on when this will happen? I am also an Xperiencify client and would LOVE to at least be able to integrate with it.
Marcello Surjopolos
Do you know when this will be available? Xperiencify has been awesome with this. You should offer to buy them out and create a win-win for both your companies.
gabriel guzman
Absolutely agree! Implementing gamification in courses is an excellent way to boost user motivation and engagement. By integrating elements like personalized badges, which can be earned by completing certain percentages of the course or reaching specific points, you create a reward system that not only makes learning more enjoyable but also encourages continuous interaction with the content. This not only helps users feel more involved but also gives them a tangible sense of achievement and progress. Additionally, personalized badges can be a great incentive for users to keep advancing and share their accomplishments, which in turn can attract more people interested in the course. It’s a win-win strategy for everyone! 🎮🏆
Joshua Washington
Please add this ASAP. For reference of a platform that does this at a high level, please see link below. They offer course gamification along with nudging feature to ensure participants finish which helps we the business owners get them to the finish line (results), which is extremely important.
Use this as the blueprint PLEASE!
Keith Besherse
Yes, Community engagement is valuable. But course completion is more critical for the learner's success. Things that get checked get done. We have incentivized user generated content, but not the courses which are the reason the member is in the community.
Tyza Nicholson
Yesss this is needed. It is a very basic function for gamification.
Dr. Jorge Castaneda
Yes, please add gamification functionality. It's a must for increasing student engagement and course completion rates.
Jennifer Hernandez
Yes please! Add this
Dan Geyer
This would be life altering. But first any features that make gamification even remotely useful at this time would be nice though
Marcello Surjopolos
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