User Permissions - More Granular
in progress
Anthony CRM Admin
I need a way to limit the number of employees that a sub-account owner can add to their account AND even prevent a sub-account owner from adding employees all together. I would also like the option to charge an incremental amount to the sub-account owner by how many employees they add. Even further, by including these settings in a snapshot, it would help automate the process of granting user permissions based on the SaaS plan or snapshot selected.
By adding more granular control of 'User Permissions' within various sections and items under, this could be achieved. For example, the User Permissions for Settings could have sub settings to check on or off each of the items under each category. For example within Settings, we would have a toggle for each of the following items:
Business Profile
My Staff
Phone Numbers
Reputation Management
Custom Fields
Custom Values
URL Redirects
Email Services
Conversation Providers
Audit Logs
Log In
Ryan Hartigan
Staff are getting super overwhelmed by the amount of options but there's no easy way to remove/add very specific options for the users yet
Greg Hadley
Any update on this? Looks like its been in progress since Dec 2023.
Jason Gray
EVERY feature should have a permissions setting
Mark Kalnitski
Another example, a deal closer should be able to access document templates to create contracts with clients, without having the permission to any other payment section or the ability to delete signed contracts.
Another example, a user should access a specific pipeline only.
Sam Cox
agree with this 100% - we need to be able to turn on/off every menu item and feature/sub-feature.
I'm currently setting up user [not admin] permissions for a business and there are things i don't want them to see like;
Launchpad - can't turn it off??
Marketing - even if you turn it off completely it still shows on side menu and displays the prospecting info page! [must be a bug]
Sites - with website, funnels off it still shows quizzes!
Dashboard - you can turn it off but the menu item still shows!
Payments - if you turn on an features the user can see everything including integrations [sub-account payment processor]
This is basic stuff that should have been fixed months ago
Ryan Hartigan
Sam Cox Are you seeing Marketing still show if you turn it off? I was unsure if that was just on our side or if the menus are still showjng even when turned off
Ken McClure
TAG MGMT -- Ability to allow low level users to ADD/REMOVE tags from a contact record WITHOUT having to give them FULL ACCESS to create or delete tags. They should only be allowed to select from the list of tags created by Admin
Mohammad Kamal
This is an essential feature. At present non admin users have access to master settings and it is quite dangerous. All settings should be restricted to admin user. Or as in the original request, we must be able to restrict certain users from not accessing or changing the setting features under each module.
Darlene Silvas
Granularity in User Roles and permissions is a must.
It is HIGH RISK to have a user be given access to account setting just becase the user needs access to make changes to custom fields or custom values or survey and form builder.
No one besides the Admin should be able to see or change MY BUSINESS OR BUSINESS SERVICES section. The additional options under OTHER SETTINGS should be an available optional that an admin can provide to a user or user access.
Not all staff is an admin and not all staff is just a user. Some users can be hired as freelancers or tech staff and they may need access to Other Settings to help facilitate the functionality of the sub-account.
There should also be the following options available for every permission setting: View, Edit, Create and Delete.
Right now it only it groupd the ability to view and manage all together.
Joel Rduch
Sub-Account Admins which run under an GHL Agency Account should not be able to give themselves access to features which are declined when the admin was created.
Becki DeVall
Please add the ability to restrict the entire Sites area and not just Funnels. There is no way to keep them from seeing forms/surveys, etc. Within Marketing, Snippets, Countdown Timers, Trigger Links and Brand Boards need to the ability to be toggled off within that area.
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