Allow Exclusions in Smart Lists
Adam Singfield
The ability to take one Smart List and exclude another Smart List.
Example: Smart List for master newsletter recipients and then exclude another Smart List representing a sub-segment who shouldn't get the same email campaign as the rest of the list.
This should at least be doable as a campaign send/schedule function.
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Himaani J
This is super important to avoid duplication of contacts across smart lists! I have created multiple master lists like "Engaged list basis scoring", a "CLEAN" Smart list (basis no DND or bounce etc). Now I wanna make sure that there are no overlaps across other smart lists and I can send email campaigns FIRST to my clean engaged list (as a warm up), then to smart list 2 (that does not include contacts from list 1 and so on...). THANK YOU
Andy Esto
I agree, particulary for the Send/Schedule function in campaigns. I also created a similar but more in depth explanation: please support
Linda Shively
Sam Montano
allow operation between smartlist like intersection, union, exclusion
Himaani J
Sam Montano absoljutely!!