Add a Dynamic Values to Opportunity Lead Value
Tracy Wittenkeller
Hello HL Community!I just posted an idea and I'm asking you to vote it up because I think it will be very beneficial for tracking and more.Currently, Opportunity Lead Value is static. And this works if you are placing the same value on each lead.But what if your leads are making purchases of different amounts and you want to add/track each transaction amount as the lead value? So if someone makes a $10 purchase you can add them to a different campaign than someone who spends $50. Lightbulb!For example, we created an app that allows people to donate to memorial fundraiser when a friend and loved-one passes. When someone wants to help the family, they can make a monetary donation so the family can decide how best to use it instead of wasting $ on flowers or food that doesn't last.We created a custom value that saves each donation amount to the donor's contact information. However, we want to add the donation amount to each Successful Donation Opportunity Lead Value so we can track it easier and do more with that add people to specific campaigns, based on their donation amount.I'm sure many HighLevel-ers could benefit from this.Please vote this idea up!
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Michael Angrave
I like what you have suggested here with the dynamic values. I think the most wide spread usage to achieve this would be to be able to assign products to the opportunity and have the value of those update the opportunity value dynamically for both upfront and recurring revenue.
I've described in more detail here...
Dwayne Thomas
Michael Angrave check my post
Michael Angrave
Dwayne Thomas Thanks Dwayne, can you share link please
Rich Ribeiro
How about also adding an age indicator to the opp card?
Dwayne Thomas
Rich Ribeiro check my post
Frank Obregon
this is completed for opportunity value, but still lacking in numeric or monetary custom opportunity fields:
Dwayne Thomas
Frank Obregon check my post
Felipe da Power
This is a must! If a client (opportunity) buy again in the future. We can not track in the system! It should have the option to set all purchases individually! And whenever we filter by date, the total amount should be filtered as well according to the date of purchase!
Dwayne Thomas
Felipe da Power check my post
Mika Perrin
This would be super helpful! I'm actually surprised it's not available yet since it's pretty standard for most platforms that host product sales. I just want to know the actual lead value for a customer as they move through my pipeline and buy different products we offer along the way.
Dwayne Thomas
Mika Perrin check my post
Mika Perrin
Dwayne Thomas do you have a link? I'm not sure where your post is.
Paul Brewer
Please add this. As well as widgets that can pull in data from multiple custom fields to be math functions.
Dwayne Thomas
Paul Brewer check my post
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Math Calculations at Opportunity Level
Joshua Bashford
Product Fee 1 + Product Fee 2 = Total Fee as an example. Can be done at the contact level but not where it really matters!
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Opportunity custom field math operation
Calculate and display Opportunity Value based on math operations applied to Opportunity Custom Fields in Workflows.
Example 1: Project has 3 components - labor, material, overhead. Calculate and display Cost. Subtract Cost from Price. Display Price and Margin.
Example 2: Opportunity has several products. Add all the products together with a Math Operation to update Opportunity Value.
Example 3: Opportunity has a particular value assigned by Workflow. Then an If/Then checks for a certain tag in the contact record. If that tag is present a discount or premium is applied to Opportunity Value for reporting and also updates an Opportunity Price Custom Field before sending the Proposal/Estimate.
Andy Rong
Dont even know how this is not possible yet
Dwayne Thomas
Andy Rong check my post
Keith Besherse
Dwayne Thomas
Keith Besherse check my post
Keith Besherse
Core Platform Sales & Marketing Shivam HighLevel Chase Buckner Please ban the spammer.
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