Allow formatting of text within Notes
Dave Smith
Within the Accounts, Note section allow formatting of the text i.e. Bold, underline, Italic and bullet points. This would allow notes to be read easier that it is just now, this is especially true of the notes are extensive.
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Matthew Miller
Copy and Pasting my Summaries from my Zoom sales call recordings would be way better if it was formatted with buillet points, bold text, etc. The hyperlinks work, but they don't change to the blue color often. Would be super helfpul to have an RTF editor option in here for cleaner more manageable notes.
Liron Benshoshan
AGREE! also when inserting alternative languages it breaks the font even more and it is nearly unreadable.
Hans Eisenman
Yes! Notes are so rough on the eyes in CRM because they can't accept any formatting whatsoever.
All the other tools I'm using can at least understand/use markdown but when that's pasted into HL notes it looks terrible.
I think markdown capability would solve a lot because you don't have to do a big WYSIWYG editor.
Just do like Notion and provide a markdown editor like this one that pops up as soon as you highlight text.
Keith Besherse
Tony Bianco
I second this. Note are so hard to read without that.
Jessica Gibson
If we could also have the ability to add tags to the notes so we could filter by tags for a specific topic we might be looking for.