Need to be able to rename tags
Patrick Allmond
Right now when you change a tag name it is deleted from all workflows. Not good. The tag should stay and just assume the new name. If I want to delete a tag I'll delete. Your rename is acting like a delete/readd, not a rename.
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Lord Karol Jasztal
Isaac Danna
Patrick Allmond I believe they just fixed this last week. 💪
Patrick Allmond
Isaac Danna Yep. When I brought it up in the FB group Shaun chimed in and tagged a developer on it. When shaun gets involved in a conversation I have a feeling it usually gets fast tracked. Yay for all of us !
Tommy Embers
Absolutely mind blowing this hasn't been done yet Core Platform What's the hold-up?
Justin Moy
Wow this is basic, surely easy to fix too..
Tiyana Robinson
Yikes! MAJOR upvote!
Julian Mills
I reported this as a bug 6 months ago. I was assured it was on their plan to resolve this - but I am still waiting. It is a shocker that this has not been fixed yet. If you innocently change the name of a tag (maybe a tag imported via a snapshot that does not exactly fit your naming convention) and then instantly a Workflow or multiple Workflows are broken. And it is really difficult to trouble shoot these within Workflows as all you see is a blank Add / remove tag action and you have no idea as to which tag you have to add back in. This is especially tricky if it is a Workflow imported via a Snapshot - as you did not even build the thing - so how are you supposed to reverse engineer and work out which tag should be in there.
Max Ghezzi
As a new user to HL I'm shocked to find this out. Upvoted!
Matt Maier
Absolutely. There's a huge difference between delete and modify. Especially dumb that it doesn’t warn you you’re about to break everything linked to that tag.
Hank Gilliam
Absolutely. This is a no-brainer enhancement.