Have Ai bot turn off permanently on a contact when staff replies
Justin Mendez
I use Conversation Ai to catch new leads coming in, but after a staff member takes over the conversation I want the Ai bot to not send them any more messages.
We already have the functionality to make the bot go to sleep for up to 48 hours but it needs the option to be permanent after a contact is assigned to a staff member.
We have leads turn into customers that text us a few days later and the AI tries to collect their contact info again like they are a brand new lead.
It confuses customers and looks unprofessional.
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Abhishek Kumar
Justin Mendez can I have your email address ? want to schedule a call with you
Abhishek Kumar
Kevin Pohl
Abhishek Kumar this is NOT complete.
Abhishek Kumar
Justin Mendez it is already possible .
it is still possible if you are conversation AI subaccount bot
you can also use the function in workflow - update conversation AI bot ans status.
and for the workflow bot we are coming up with a feature shortly.
let me know , if that helps.
Kevin Pohl
Abhishek Kumar This is not what we were asking for.
Your links are broken too.
We specifically said, pausing the bot is not good enough. And Going to each and every conversation to turn a bot off is NOT feasible.
We need the global setting to turn all bot activity off based on conditions.
We need an option beyond pausing, that states, "Stop Bot When I reply manually or via workflow."
Then let the customer manually Enable the Bot on the conversations screen where they deem fit.
Abhishek Kumar
Kevin Pohl I have updated the link
you can check the second solution we have , through workflow , the bot will never turn active .it can be achieved
However feedback taken and we will change the setting to resume after x days ., we will push it soon.
Abhishek Kumar
Links updated
Abhishek Kumar
Kevin Pohl may I have your email address to get in touch with you
Kevin Pohl
Abhishek Kumar It doesn't solve the problem at all. There's no condition mentioned that when we manually reply it can then move on to the bot status action.
But thanks for committing to pushing this feature out soon. Just a simple option: "Stop Bot When I reply manually or via workflow."
Kevin Pohl
Abhishek Kumar replied to you on FB.
Daniel ODonnell
100% a critical path item and I will outright stop using GHL ai bots altogether until this is implemented. Was told a month ago it would happen in two weeks, and here we are a month later and nada.
Jeremy Krygsman
Yeah that’s a big problem. Have you looked at alternatives. For example BB9.ai is a plug-in for GHL that is very much able to work in partnership with your staff members. And it’s a more advanced AI bot, in general
Kevin Pohl
So crazy that this is not the default implementation. Your AI Bot is effectively dysfunctional Sales & Marketing . Pausing is not good enough, because it keeps blabbing away after the pause, and it ruins the Customer Experience entirely.
We need an option beyond pausing, that states, "Stop Bot When I reply manually or via workflow." - And it would be so simple to add a timer option here... Resume after "X Days, Hours, Minutes, or not at all"
Then let customer manually Enable the Bot on the conversations where they deem fit or let their Resume Setting kick in IF they set it.
But just "On" at all times is crazy.