Community Post Notificatons - Post Title in email Notification
Shawn Creighton
Could you please add the Title of the post in the email notifications that get sent out?
Right now it just shows the group name and the fact they have been taged in a post... most people ignor this. If the title of the post was shown at lest they would know if the post was important. I would also like to have it show who taged them in the post as well.
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Colleen McCartney
Shawn Creighton check this idea out which has more votes. Please go upvote this one so they know how important the feature is
Norbert Kloiber
Thank you for this suggestion, Shawn – this is an extremely important point that urgently needs to be improved!
I want to take this even further and make it clear: This is not a "nice to have" but an absolute MUST HAVE. The current email notifications from GoHighLevel are not only unappealing but outright demotivating. They achieve the exact opposite of what a community platform should be doing. Here’s an example of the current notification (see attached screenshot):
"You’ve been mentioned in a comment in Test."
Notifications like this fail to spark curiosity or interest. There’s no relevance or motivation for the recipient to click on the message. Why would anyone bother opening the comment if there’s nothing engaging or meaningful presented upfront?
In contrast, platforms like Skool do this brilliantly. Their notifications include the title of the post, a short preview of the content, and the name of the person who tagged the recipient. This approach immediately clarifies why the post is worth checking out. The result? A significantly higher level of engagement in the community.
To truly improve this feature, GoHighLevel email notifications should include the following at a minimum:
Post Title: So recipients know exactly what the post is about.
Short Content Preview: A brief glimpse into the post to spark curiosity.
Name of the Person Who Tagged Them: This adds context and makes the message feel more personal.
It’s crucial for GoHighLevel to understand that this is not an optional improvement – it’s a fundamental feature every successful community platform must have. The current setup is not competitive, and ignoring this issue would be a huge missed opportunity.
I hope you can implement these changes quickly – the community will thank you for it!
Colleen McCartney
Norbert Kloibercheck this idea out which has more votes. Please go upvote this one so they know how important the feature is
Keith Besherse
Colleen McCartney
Keith Besherse check this idea out which has more votes. Please go upvote this one so they know how important the feature is
Keith Besherse
Colleen McCartney, thanks. I am trying to keep up!
Core Platform Sales & Marketing Shivam HighLevel - merge?
Keith Besherse
Colleen McCartney, thanks. I am trying to keep up!
Colleen McCartney
Keith Besherse awesome, I replied to a few comments on similar ideas because this is a very important feature & it spread the votes out so I wasn't sure if ya'll review ideas until they hit a threshold. Thanks for tagging the appropriate folks!
Keith Besherse
Colleen McCartney, I don't know what the HighLevel internal process is. Like you I am just trying to get attention for the critical issues.
For me they are (in approximately most important order):
- Bulk SMS from mobile app.
- Inbound email trigger and filters.
- Communities management (including this suggestion).
- Communities features.
- Conversation AI.
- Voice AI.
- Name your own recurring donation amount. (That request has been on the ideas board for a year now.)
- Search App Marketplace by function.
I really do wish we could search Canny by name of the person who submitted.
And I wish HighLevel would give us an ideas board category for suggestions about the process for: ideas board > road map > project management > product management.
Chase Buckner?