Channels that only Admins can post to
Adrian King
This will be very advantageous for things like community announcements or events that only admins should be able to post in the community.
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Keith Besherse
Keith Besherse
Allow comments toggle. Either by channel or on individual announcement posts.
Andres Marquez
Great to have this live. However, can members reply to the post in this channel? Looks like they can’t and not sure if that’s the best way to approach it.
It would be ideal to have the option to allow members to comment on these admin-only post channels.
Keith Besherse
Shivani Gera
Babak Bavardi
Shivani Gera Next we need PAID private channels
Christian Alexander
Babak Bavardi Yesss!
Keith Besherse
Shivani Gera Could we get the change log &/o link to help article? Thank you!
Shivani Gera
Merged in a post:
Restrict Who Can Post in a Specific Community Channel
Mariah | FG Funnels Support Team
Admins need the ability to restrict the ability to post in specific community group channels. For example, if they have an "Announcements" channel, they want to control the settings, so that only community "Admins" can post in this channel. So contributors cannot post in the "Announcements" channel
Tanya Smith
This literally is the one thing keeping me from moving over to GHL Communities. Having been in others, it's difficult to mine through random comments for a channel that should be strictly announcements or admin-driven.
Anthony Reyes
Shaun Clark this should be a priority issue because it impacts the actual viability of numerous communities.
Communities are like the forums of y'old (some would say the better days) where you could create permission groups, give specific users perks, power, or penalties based on the behavior, financial contributions, or significance in the community.
Today as it stands now in GHL you cannot do this in full effect- yes you can gamify it, but you cannot separate individuals into roles.
If we cater to charities we could help them build donor and participant communities utilizing GHL and GoKolab, but we can't highlight donors, honor those who've served the cause, or limit access to specific things such as events and courses based on broad group memberships.
This applies for coaching businesses, communities of all flavors, agencies, support groups/charities, etc. Without this feature this will never be able to replace Xenforo, IPB, MyBB, etc. and we will still be required to run separate operations and use ever increasingly expensive and demanding software.
(Sorry I get really passionate about these things because I see the real potential here)
Brett Murray
This has been raised a number of times in prior posts with lack of response or action from GHL.
Keith Besherse
LaToya Scroggins
I was hoping to move my community over to GHL but this feature is a MUST. Looking forward to when they update it.
Keith Besherse
Jonathan Puu
looking forward to this...
Keith Besherse
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