Workflows Create a merge option
Jeff Weidner
instead of using the contacts list to merge contacts, create a workflow option that will merge contacts based on certain criteria.
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Chasity Scarberry
This would be especially useful when clients are completing forms that require signatures - with the form being able to recognize the existing client based upon certain criteria(phone-email) and add the completed registration form or waiver , etc to the client data instead of making anew contact every single time. Gets frustrating when clients sign several things and then you have to find ot which contact has the criteria and it does not allow more than one form submission(signature) to be added on a current merge.
It would also be great just for standard opt-in practices.
Christina Hawkins
If there is a bug with AI Voice and it won't add an email if there is a contact with an email already in the contacts, a merge workflow would be great.