[Workflows] Should send out according to customer timezone, NOT company time zone.
Sean O'Hara
We have customers all over the US. It's ridiculous that the Settings in Workflows reflect our company's time zone, not the customer's time zone. So we have to make sure no one in the west coast gets anything before 9am, but that means no one on the east coast can get anything before 12pm.
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Merged in a post:
Local Time Zone
Matt Etline
When setting a "Wait" in automation you have the feature to wait until a certain period, for example 9am - 5pm on certain days. But the timezone is according to the account. If we have users on both east and west coast, this cannot be set in local time. It shouldbe able to wait between 9am and 5pm local time according to the customers time zone
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For a manual call action, will it run the action if the automation has contact timezone set for a specified time lets say from 8am- 7pm to be able to call. This way it won't run the action manual call if outside those time parameters for the contact timezone? or does it still allow you to run the call action even if outside contact timezone.
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Raelyn Tan
Core Platform How long more for this? I really need this, if not I can't move over from Convertkit.
Core Platform
Raelyn Tan: QA in progress, should go live this week.
Sebastian Mealer
WTH??!! I would have never thought it would default to Company time zone (or not allow Contact's timezone).
This almost seems like a bug (by design, not necessarily coding).
This should 100% get fixed so we can send according to recipient's time.
For the product manager who I would have thought does competitive analysis - ActiveCampaign allows you to select either recipient or any designated time zone you want to send in. As designers of automations that we want to have control of and deliver messaging that is effective at generating action, we need to be able to select recipient OR specific time zones.
Zach Spear
100000% agreed. The automations/bot is severely limited with this.
Lisa Hines
Yes, please.
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in progress
Wade Lester
How can we know leads time zone if we just get lead form with phone and email?
Nick Daugherty
Wade Lester: You can use a geolocation service such as https://ipbase.com/
You create a workflow to send the lead's IP address to this service, and they tell you which timezone they're in.
You can do this with Zapier, and then feed the response back into GHL. A little clunky, but it works. I wish GHL would do this natively.
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Gracen Duffield
Some of us will need to rewrite routines to take advantage of this. Will there be a setting selection on workflows to choose which? or will all routines just automatically adopt this change?
I have routines that factor in the time of day of the lead (based on state of residence). I will need to change those workflows
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