Customize WhatsApp Profile Image/Pic
Alexis Counts
Below is a screenshot comparing 3rd Party WhatsApp integration and the new HighLevel WhatsApp integration.
At the moment there is no way to customise the profile pic and appear more personable to leads/customers.
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Umar Ranginwala
Francisco Dominguez
any updates on this?
Cristina Nedelcu
This is so important! By not customizing, honestly, it is looking just like a spam account trying to send you messages for who know what fake thing.. (in European countrys it is happening this a lot, so my credibility is not so good trough whats app...and also they are using whats app TOO MUCH)
Igshaan Soules (C)
Is this WhatsApp Business App or the WhatsApp Business Platform. Unfortunately Highlevel is creating more confusion by not highlighting to everyone the difference between the two. WhatsApp Business App operates like normal WhatsApp and is for small businesses. The Highlevel WhatsApp Business Platform integration is what most medium and larger size businesses use.
Most of us wanted a better way to integrate WhatsApp Business App with Highlevel to replace third party vendors.
RevEx Group
This is planned for last Q4/early Q1.
Tyler Peck
RevEx Group: Any update on this? We only realised after moving across. Would rather not go backwards.
Nelson Rojas
RevEx Group: Any update on this? This is important. Without this, customers think it's spam.
Alexis Counts
Nelson Rojas: Dumping a WhatsApp tip I learned:
This is a general link where customers can update their WhatsApp profile pic:
Still a planned feature, but you can do it anytime
Nelson Rojas
Alexis Counts: Hi Alexis, thank you for the tip.
Juan Peralta
Alexis Counts Excellent info!! Much appreciated.
In Meta using that link:
- I have added number on that link.
- Still shows: Status Pending, Quality Rating = Unavailable.
- I see a Certificate column and it seems we need to do something with it. ==> WHAT TO DO??
In High Level:
- Already before adding the number in the above link, the number is: Live TIER_1K, Status = Connected, Quality = Green.
Abdullah Almalki
Alexis Counts Unavailable page