Task Due Dates
Stephanie Cooke Key
The ability to have a task due greater than 5 days out. We try to plan 6 weeks out and have dates associated with due dates not just days out.
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John Naccarato.
This is really needed in the automations. I have different tags I would like to trigger dates such as 2-weeks, 30-days, 90-days, etc. This becomes a problem when you have a contact that contains several opportunities like real estate addresses and the task automations don't recognize opportunities, only teh contacts. Using the "Wait" command won't pull the correct one so it needs to be immediate in the workflow. I just need an automation to go out past 5 days either 1-30, then 45, 60, 90, 120 option would work. However you design it. Thank you!
Sam Buckley
This is super limiting. We need options for entering a date, to choose from days, weeks, months, etc and enter the number for those that we want.
Erik Pinho
Any updates on this ?
Adam Campbell
It would be great to add some flexibility to this workflow action. Currently, the options are very rigid (1-5 days). It would be great if you could not only specify the exact number of minutes/hours/days/months/years a task is due, but even if you could set a specific date. The former is most important though!
Darren Dobier
This would be a huge benefit. If you create a task manually you can put whatever due date you want but in automations you're limited to 5 days. It would also be lovely if we could set the due date based on the set event start date as well. This would allow me to create all the tasks needed for something at one time so they show up all at once so people know what's coming but the logic around things like "2 weeks before event start" would make it more dynamic and easier to setup.
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Automation Builder - Tasks more than 5 Days Out
Aaron Watkins
Currently the "add tasks" action in the automation builder has a "Due in X days" section, however for some reason someone decided that the most days out you can select is.... 5 days.
Need to be able to extend this. 5. 10. 100. 365. Etc. Why put a limit?
Eric Powell
For automations? Yes! Agreed!