Revamped Tasks! (More powerful & usable)
Edison Lopez
Here are the features/changes I am proposing:
Designated tab on side bar for Tasks
- To easily access your tasks directly from the side bar
Tasks View On Calendars
- Stay on top of deadlines by viewing your own tasks or other Users tasks directly on the calendar
Custom Fields for tasks
- Categorize your different types of tasks with Task Custom Fields
Custom columns for task list
- Add columns to your task list to display your custom fields
- Task list scrolls horizontally so you can add as many columns as we like.
Task Templates
- Save time creating tasks by creating task templates for your most frequent tasks
Task Pop-Up Modal š¤Æš®
- Click into any task to see all the relevant information for the task!!
Filter by Custom Field
- Trigger workflows EXCLUSIVELY for the correct types of tasks using custom fields as a filter
- Available for the "Task Added" & "Task Completed" workflow Trigger
I created mock ups of how these would be implemented, so please look those over.
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Sam Zammit (YOC)
The ability to be able to format the description of the task to allow for spaces between steps and allow the ability to create bullet points and add images
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Tasks add columns and sort/filter

Michael Garcia
Add ability to add extra columns (like under the SmarList view) to the tasks and sort/filter the tasks from any of those columns. Added bonus, save the state. Something like Datatables allows.
Christopher Neustedter
Also, there should be a separate Notification Icon at the top for Tasks!
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Create a task template library, to make calling more efficient.
K.C. Gleaton
Please create a task template library, to make calling more efficient.
Check here:
Zach Barbre
Yes! Also, The ability to create custom action plans (set of specific tasks) for contacts and/or opportunities!
Admin 4LSG