Terms & Conditions Check Box for SURVEYS Needed
Andres Aras
We have a T&C Check box for forms. But many of us capture leads using Surveys and we have to use Custom Fields for the same thing that's already in Forms. Please add the same option for Surveys.
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Sales & Marketing
It is live now
Alexander Pereira
Sales & Marketing: It is live, but I found it impossible to style this checkbox with CSS as you have used different non-standard method to create the design of this checkbox, used a different method and selectors than the existing checkbox in surveys. Considering the lackluster design of the surveys, why make it so difficult and time consuming for us to be able to improve it? Why not use any consistant design priciples and strucutre in your surveys? I am not using the new terms and conditions checkbox for this reason, so for me it has become another half-baked unusable 'update' that you can check off your list but is not totally usable for users.