Slider in Custom Fields for Surveys
Justus Nyman
Could we please get a slider type of Custom Field for Forms and Surveys for example answering a question such as 'What is your marketing budget?' could be answered by sliding the correct value between $0 and $10,000. This would also be a great addition for feedback surveys "How happy are you from 1-5?".
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Gloria Solis
Yes please! Also having a range in the custom field slider so if someone has a budget range or age range.
Rachel Llanes
This request was made in January. Hopefully, they'll consider it, as it would be really helpful for rating scale questions in the form or survey.
Seth Wixtrom
Until GHL gets this built, here is a tutorial on how to do it.
Jesse Danku
Seth Wixtrom this is awesome! Thank you, Seth!
Ihsan Khan
I was building a survey and realized this is missing.
Tim Wolf
Even radio buttons in a line (ex. 1 to 5 from from not interested to let's do this!) would be super helpful. Very common in any survey tool to have a likert scale.
Keith Besherse
Tim Wolf, yes, 3 options: user defined (sliding scale on a range from X to Y), Likert Scale (1-5), Net Promoter Score Scale (1-10) - which of course could be used for other metrics too.
Samip Thakkar