Review Posting With Custom Backgrounds Enhancements
in progress
Dan Doyle
The new feature where we can automatically creates scheduled posts from reviews with our custom backgrounds needs some major enhancements ASAP.
- Date Selector-choose date/time when these posts start.
- Add text to the post. Right now all that is posted is an image. We should be able to add text to the post, i.e. hashtags, cta, etc
- Adjust the transparency of the overlay so we can actually see the custom backgrounds.
- A preview of the what each background will look like.
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Add predined Text to "Post Reviews"
POV 360
It would be nice to add predefined text BEFORE the customer review text.
NOT in the image. ONLY in the text that it posts to social media.
Example. If a customer reviews "great service, top notch team, Highly recommended"
The text output should used predifined text that says something along the lines of "Another happy customer said this...." or whatever the Account OWNER defines.
Currently, it just posts the review content, and has no context. My current clients are requesting this so they dont have to go and edit each review post manually.
Sales & Marketing
Hey all,
To accomplish this, you can make use of the 'caption' edits along with the re-posting of the reviews.
We have just rolled out the updated version for 'Review posts' wherein now you can post onto instagram stories as well.
Change how customer names are shown (John Doe, JD, or just John) and customize font and background colors, as well as opacity for both. Customize font and background colors, as well as opacity for both.
Sales & Marketing
in progress
Nathan Admin
Sales & Marketing Need to be able to customise the post text and use a custom value for the review and reviewer name too, maybe even AI so each post is different.
Dan Doyle
I agree. This seems like basic feature that should already be included