Ability To Filter by Email Campaigns Sent AND by the status (ie opened, clicked, hard bounce)
Don Franklin
It would be great to be able to pull up the contacts from an email campaign that was sent AND filter by the email status (ie opened, clicked, hard bounced etc) to be able to select contacts based off of a campaign and email status so we can create a smart list or tag them or other bulk actions. Because right now you see this list when you go to the email campaign statistics and details, but can not do anything with them there.
Use case maybe you want to call the opened or clicked contacts or send them something else or if something happened and a big portion of the list "hard bounced" (due to a DNS Issue or something) and you want to resend only to the hard bounced list and not the entire original list you have no way of doing that.
I added this as an idea under Email Builder Section as well.
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Nicholas Shepherd
Definitely support this idea. Please implement as soon as possible. You can't even create a filter for people who did or did not open a particular email campaign! That's a basic in many other CRM systems I have worked in.