Running Live Events? Adding Guests is a Major Flop!
Brendon Comerford
GHL is completely useless for any business that runs events where people invite guests. When you create a calendar type "Events Calendar" then go to the list of Appointments, there is no way to see from the grid view of the 100's of registrations which invitees have added guests, unless you open each one to see if there is a guest attached. Impossible when you have 100 people lining up to enter the door. Also means you can't see the total number of people registered for an event at all and I checked with support and its confirmed you can not see total event numbers including guests. Even if you have a form for this, there is no way to view or create a filter to see how many guests are attending. Guests also do not get added to form submissions because "adding guests" is a calendar feature not a form feature. This a major issue for anyone who runs events for large numbers of people. You can't even export to a sheet to see which invitees have guests coming, so at registration you can't check off if guests arrived with their invitee or not. Major Major floor if you run live events. It's also a simple simple fix. Allow in the list view of Appointments, a column that just shows a number of how many guests this invitee has. You can then know at registration which ones to open up. Still can't select Show or No Show for Guests but at least GHL becomes usable for event companies. Im now having to give a 20k refund to my client because of this major limitation which has no workaround at all, even in workflows guests don't exist. Even with a conditional logic form, guests would be custom fields and don't get added as contacts which is again useless for an events company. Sourly disappointed.
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Ruaridh Macvicar Owner
I run into this exact problem with one of my clients! The other problem I found out was that even when you set a maximum number of bookings, the guests in each booking don't count towards it. So my client had a maximum capacity for the event which was set. Once the event was filled, we quickly realised that no matter how many guests were in each booking, they only counted as 1. So for an event that was meant to have only a maximum of 15 kids, there are now over 30 hyperactive children turning up to the event, at the horror of the owners realisation.
Team Marketing
Yah it never works for me
Brittne Ash
Yes I 100% agree! This is a must!