Create an appointment status of "rescheduled"
Thao Tu
We track all actions to Gsheet and would like to see an appointment status of Rescheduled if a client reschedules via the "Reschedule" link. The end result is we can see which appts were created and rescheduled/active.
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Brian Pappalardo
This is awesome! Also would be awesome if we could create our own custom appointment statuses? I have clients who would like to look at the calendar and see how many people purchased in a given week, etc.
Becca Ellison
I would add to this that when you prompt the rescheuldle, it sends out the reschedule link to the client, as right now there is no way to send out a reschedule link unless your reschedule prompts are baked into the initial automation of the booking.
Since my clients charge on the calendar for the booking - they can't just send them to the page again, as the calendar prompts for another payment. Which shouldn't happen if it's a reschedule.
I'd love to know an ETA of this since it's so important!
Ken McClure
This is great!! Why can't we just create our own Appointment Statuses?
Chris Cox
What is so complicated with adding this appointment status?
I guess it would be ideal to have a reschedule button on the appointment popup that then prompts to select the new date and time based on Default availability (for time slots) or custom time.
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Rose W
Hoping to hear about an ETA on this, as this is basic calendar functionality and one of the key reasons we use calendar booking software. I was about to migrate away from my Acquity Scheduling, and the noticed this thread when I was trying to locate more settings for the rescheduled area.
I also noted the appointment confirmation doesn't include the add to calendar links (they do show up on the screen when booking, but if a user doesn't do that straight away, the email confirmation needs to include them, it's all about making sure appointments are not missed).
Ryan Heath
Rose W if you use your own email template and/or automation for booking confirmations (i.e. workflow for when appointment status is confirmed > send custom e-mail) - you can include the add to calenar links as a variable, under Appointment in the variable selector.
Lucy Baker
Given we could be waiting a long time for this basic calendar feature to be released, I used workflows to overcome it. It's not pretty and needs some work but it might help you.
Setup 2 workflows for new appointments. 1 for booked, 1 for rescheduled. They use the same trigger "confirmed appointment".
Booked workflow waits for 2mins then checks for a tag "appointment booked". If empty, tag the client and sent the email. If tag present, remove from workflow.
Rescheduled workflow checks for tag immediately. If present, send "rescheduled" email notification. If no tag present, remove from workflow.
Just ensure you have seperate workflows removing the tag after the appointment is finished.
Ryan Heath
Lucy Baker came looking for this kind of workaround. Thanks for sharing!
Porfirio Lima
Lucy Baker Thanks for sharing this work around, I have set it up as you mentioned but for some reason whenever I end the new appointment workflow it immediately triggers the Rescheduled workflow. Do you think that you could share an image on how you structured your workflow? It would be much appreciated!
Nixon Manuel
Also, Rescheduled appointments should NOT nofify as "New Appointment". They should sms and email as "Appointment Rescheduled, also showing the old time it was changed from. Also cancelled appointments should notify via sms and email. Please take clues from AcuityScheduling. They are the best calendar in the world actually.
Carlos Morilla
Nixon Manuel you can do this with a workflow, trigger: "Appointment Status = Canceled" and then the action can be notify which you can choose to SMS yourself and that way you get cancelations sent to your phone.
Swadha Bhoj
Merged in a post:
Appointment Status - Rescheduled
Lavinia Meek
Hey Guys, I have some clients who are very well known to reschedule their appointments with me or ask me to reschedule their appointments with them. Either way, I noticed that there is no option to mark an appointment as rescheduled and therefore if I book another appointment for them, the one they had book previously stays in the system with a "fake" status basically. I do not want to mark the appointment as cancelled as my depending on the result of the appointment I have various workflows set up to go. If an appointment is Rescheduled, then I would have no issues with it. If I mark it Cancelled (which is not true) the contact will be added automatically to a specific workflow.
I think it would be so great to have the Rescheduled feature especially when it comes to match up the actual status of a rescheduled appointment. And it would be superb if I would be able to amend the status to Rescheduled even from the mobile app.
Keith2 Besherse
Swadha Bhoj, Abhishek Chauhan, Shivam HighLevel, Core Platform, ...
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