Calender for rental service
Nicolas Schill
Airbnb, Booking, etc.. take 20% cut and I want to build a rental object funnel where you can select your timerange on a calender and get an price depending on the pricerange of the season.
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Thomas Wisbey
I've build a solution for this!!! A Vacation Rental Middleware app on HL that connects Property Management Systems (channel managers, etc) to our middleware via their API data, that can publish property information and the associated calendar widget with pricing and availability listed.
We are currently live (private app) and in beta testing with it, expecting to provide early access to beta testers soon. Please register here for early access, and to help provide information to prioritize how we develop and improve this tool for the platform:
And share the Link!!! HL is such a powerful platform that really needs connected to the industry in this way.
Regarding GHL developments on this front- I met with the HL dev team at length towards the end of last year and they currently do not have plans to build these functionalities and capabilities. I offered to help collaborate with them on building this tool, however, their primary focus is to improve the generalized CRM capabilities and do not typically work on niche specific features like this, only if they have general purpose relevance... and these features are highly niche specific.
We have big plans for updating this tool to be offered for servicing the industry at large!!! Stay tuned and if you can provide feedback on how to prioritize developments for the community in this regard, we all would greatly appreciate it 🙏
Thank you All.
Best Regards,
Thomas Wisbey
Technology Financial Solutions LLC
Becca Peachey
Thomas Wisbey that’s pretty cool, but not at all what I am looking for. I don’t want to purchase a property management software and just want a calendar widget so I can build out my direct booking site easily on GHL. Plenty of PMS offer direct booking sites but they’re pricey.
Thomas Wisbey
Becca Peachey thanks for the feedback! The current solution could be used just for the booking widget, though for immediate functionality (aka blocking off the calander availability across the other listing platforms and having the pricing displayed), it needs to be connected to a PMS. The OTAs limit their api connections so currently it is only possible to do on HL via this middleware passthrough with a PMS. If you have a PMS, you could utilize the caledar widget without use of the other features on the platform, no problem.
Becca Peachey
Thomas Wisbey I don’t have and don’t want a PMS, and most PMS already offer iframe embedding, so I’m not seeing the advantage of this. I can sync availability via iCal links, and PriceLabs has API integration for pricing, so that would cover both availability and pricing. All I’m looking for is a simple calendar widget that can integrate iCal and my dynamic pricing tool.
Thomas Wisbey
Becca Peachey The explicit advantage is the capacity to integrate these industry specific features into GHL, which also leverages the use of custom values across marketing materials within the HL platform, so highly dynamic in functionality.
i can look at integrating pricelabs and iCal's API connections via our middleware as a workaround of PMS companies into GHL 🙏 we do not currently have plans to develop into a full blown PMS, only to serve in this immediate capacity as a passthrough. Eventually we can develop the app to be more client facing, though in the immediate short term we at least want to enable the missing features for HL agency accounts and Vacation Rental business owners to serve their clients in an optimal way.
As mentioned HL does not currently have plans to enable this sort of niche connectivity, but is definitely something we can do now to help the HL community in the way you mention. I just really need this sort of feedback and to gauge interest what apis are highest priority to establish. So, if you know others who might be interested in these API pathways mentioned, please share the word!
Marina Abramson
Thomas Wisbey Is this going to be a paid app or free? my customer is not looking to spend more money.
Thomas Wisbey
Hi Marina Abramson , thank you for the inquiry into the app. At this time we need to evaluate what the biggest ROI and interest is for prospective HL users. I've paid significantly out of pocket to enable this feature and want the community to have access, so of course will look into developing freemium models for use.
Because HL did not have the capacity to collaborate on this build early on, we need to determine the best pathway to redeem those sunken costs and also continue to innovate and improve the solution on behalf of the HL dev team, HL community and the vacation rental industry at large. If you have suggestions in this regard it would be awesome to know your thoughts on a potential freemium access model would look like, ideas around what customers lower threshold for access would be etc.
George Betson
I vote for this please!! Perfect for vehicle hie, property etc!! Big markets
Thomas Wisbey
George Betson what is vehicle hie?
Becca Peachey
Really need this feature. The other embeddable calendars I'm looking at are either not exactly what I'm looking for or not really in the budget. And I don't want to use a full PMS for such a simple feature. Integration with PriceLabs (and other pricing tools) would be helpful as well.
Ishan Fernando
Yes we need it
Steven Serio
Can we get an update on this feature? It is by far the highest voted on feature and we have clients waiting on this feature. If it's not going to worked anytime soon just let us know so they can move on to a new solution.
Richard Gibbons
Can anyone confirm that this is likley to even be in review stage?
Thomas Wisbey
Richard Gibbons I verified last year. They do not have it slated to be built, though I went ahead and built it out and will be making the tool public very soon. Feel free to sign up to the wait list and help provide feedback with how you'd like to see future developments:
Lourens Swart
Yes please!
Thomas Wisbey
Lourens Swart see my comment above ☝
Rebecca Whitney
Pretty please.... this seems so close to what's possible now with just a few clicks and enters you into a whole new (lucrative) market.
Thomas Wisbey
Rebecca Whitney See my comment above ☝
Albano Gonzalez
Almost 600 upvotes and it's not happening yet? this is a must for a lot of us
Thomas Wisbey
Albano Gonzalez See my comment above ☝
Luis Enrique
Please make this possible, add reservations per day.
Thomas Wisbey
Luis Enrique See my comment above ☝
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