Calendar description text formatting options
Matthias Loeffel
It would be super awesome to have the option to style or format description text of a calendar (line breaks, bold, font family...) to make it more readable and user friendly. Calendly does this perfectly (see screenshot below), and I think it would improve the calendar widget greatly.
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Abhishek Chauhan
Hey everyone here is the change log for this Feature enhancement
Keith Besherse
Abhishek Chauhan, wonderful. Thank you.
Swadha Bhoj
Keith Besherse
Swadha Bhoj, thank you so very much!
Would you be so kind as to link the help document or change log?
Swadha Bhoj
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Clickable Links on Calendar Descriptions
Jonas Bacareza
It would be great to have clickable links on calendar descriptions and preferably Trigger Links to work here too.
A use case for this is when someone doesn't see a time that works on the calendar. The lead could then click on a link on the calendar description which then leads them to fill out a form to notify the assigned user about it.
Or clicking the link would also act as a trigger to notify the assigned user.
Swadha Bhoj
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Description in calendar more elaborated
Mireia Bertos Fortis
It would be fantastic, that in the description of a calendar, when clients are booking, we can have bold and italic text, and also be able to separate the paragraphs( not have all in one chunk of text like it is right now). Also It would be amazing if the multiple calendars synchronized well, as at the moment it is not really the case. Thank you!
Swadha Bhoj
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Calendar Description: Line Break
Matei Parvu
Allow us to add Bullet points, line breaks, and format the description in the calendar event!
With too much text, it looks terrible.
Match calendly style
Swadha Bhoj
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Calendar Description Spacings [Paragraphing]
Zack Vinciguerra
The calendar needs the functionality of paragraphing text to make information easier to read.
Right now, the descriptions bundle all of the text together even if you applied paragraphs while editing.
Calendly is winning because of this. Please fix this ASAP.
Swadha Bhoj
Merged in a post:
Line Break in Calendar Description
Jason McCoy
Implement a Line Break in the Calendar Description. It shows as line breaks in the settings, but the live calendar makes it all one paragraph.
Swadha Bhoj
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Paragraphs still not working in Calendar description
Nathan Admin
On live calendars, the description is all as one large paragraph, even if it is types as several different ones within the settings - looks awful.
Swadha Bhoj
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Allow formatting in Calendar Description field
Greg Rosenhan
In the calendar description, I would love to include a bulleted list of what to expect on the call. The current field is just a text area and doesn't allow line breaks.
Sarah Young
a must!!!
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