Book multiple appointments at once-HUGE PROBLEM!
Jake Hallman
One thing ALL my clients always complain about is the inability to book multiple appointments in one go. They complain that every other software has this feature, and it seems like a surprisingly big feature that high-level is completely missing.
For example one of my clients does Reflexology, and they have clients who like to book 3-4 appointments ahead of time. With the current state of the software they have to book (pay the deposit), then book another appointment (pay the deposit again), and so forth for as far ahead of time as they would like. It would be a huge problem solver if they could just book multiple appointments (different days/services that meet their needs) in one go.
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Ranjeet Singh
It is Really Great Idea - it will solve big problem.
Tristan Palmer
Much needed please
Jodi Clarke
this is actually a massive issue. and such a basic function. it needs to be added urgently or i cant actually use this software. we have clients on subscription. they get the same day and time every month.. eg.. first wednesday and thir wednesday.. i would have to enter 24 calendar invites for each client.
please, can we have a time frame on this?
Jennifer Cordero
Yes Agree! Needed feature
Lisa Pierce
Yes please to this. I have a client who has just requested it. Here's what she's asked for: Multi-appointment bookings
This is something I've been going round in circles with support over for a few days now - we could really do with a more elegant solution to allowing customers to book multiple appointments.
Where a client purchases a package of e.g. 6 x coaching sessions, they can use the same appointment link to book the multiple sessions, but there's nothing to prompt them to keep booking, and they need to refresh the page which seems clunky, especially when your clients have ADHD! There's a high chance anyone would forget where they were up to during the refreshing process.
Acuity is an example of a tool that does this well - would it be possible to mimic their process?
Julia Mann
WebMyMoney Administrator
we need this
Kerry Moorse
I work with so many coaching who need this!
Andrew Ingkavet
I would love more robust calendaring - I am waiting to switch over my entire music school but cannot as has much better options and interface for now. Maybe you guys can just buy a solution and integrate it? Tidycal is even more robust than what you have now. Thank you in advance!
Sarah Sangster
I have an issues with the automation side of this - you can't people in the workflow more than once - i have people than book 6 calls at a time and they have to book them 6 times and will only get reminders for call 1 😩
Amy Martin (GSP Success Manager)
Sarah Sangster the exception to the 'in one workflow at one time' rule is calendar triggered workflows. In these workflows people can be in multiple times at once.
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