Book multiple appointments at once-HUGE PROBLEM!
Jake Hallman
One thing ALL my clients always complain about is the inability to book multiple appointments in one go. They complain that every other software has this feature, and it seems like a surprisingly big feature that high-level is completely missing.
For example one of my clients does Reflexology, and they have clients who like to book 3-4 appointments ahead of time. With the current state of the software they have to book (pay the deposit), then book another appointment (pay the deposit again), and so forth for as far ahead of time as they would like. It would be a huge problem solver if they could just book multiple appointments (different days/services that meet their needs) in one go.
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Andrew Ingkavet
I would love more robust calendaring - I am waiting to switch over my entire music school but cannot as has much better options and interface for now. Maybe you guys can just buy a solution and integrate it? Tidycal is even more robust than what you have now. Thank you in advance!
Sarah Sangster
I have an issues with the automation side of this - you can't people in the workflow more than once - i have people than book 6 calls at a time and they have to book them 6 times and will only get reminders for call 1 😩
Amy Martin
Sarah Sangster the exception to the 'in one workflow at one time' rule is calendar triggered workflows. In these workflows people can be in multiple times at once.
Ryan Mitchell
My issue is similar, although I think it falls under this category. I'm working with a spa and they would like to offer a "Pack" (a pack of 10, 15, 20, etc sessions). Currently there is no way to purchase the "Pack" and book / redeem the appointments. Booking multiple appointments at once, or booking as required (redeeming ones already purchased) needs to be a feature. Also posted this comment in the thread
Ulani Fisher
this link is similar to what I am also referring to
Ulani Fisher
definitely agree. I have a client that does tutoring and right now he is using teachworks because he can schedule several sessions/appointments for his students at one time, right now we can only do recurring booking which only works if the student comes like once a week on the same day, but he has students that have custom schedules depending on several factors. it would be great if we can choose the contact like in teachworks and create a schedule of sessions/appointments for that contact, that can potentially even be sent out as an email to let that contact know all the future appointments/sessions that were set for their schedule
Scott Hunt
Yep! This and so many other basic calendar functions such as decent recurring appoitnments are missing. Some of this has been promised for over two years! Perhaps they could take a coupe of weeks of rolling out amazing brand new features around AI etc and make soem features that most other platforms have had for 10+ years!
Marvin Eckert
Please add this!
Meghan Donnelly
Keith2 Besherse
I can see how this should be a significant issue.
And yet…15 votes…
Keith2 Besherse
39, we are making progress.
Jordan Mulson
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