Add Multiple Linked Calendars
Sajan Jacob
Currently, only one linked Google Calendar is possible per GHL Calendar under Team Event and Setup. If a user has multiple Google Calendars they work with, they have to manually move events from their additional Google Calendar to their linked Google calendar to have that time blocked off from their GHL Calendar so they do not get double booked. Please add the ability to add multiple linked Google Calendars to automate this!
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Johnnie Moreno
We're still waiting for this in the fall of 2024
Bo Nyleen
Paola Bonilla
Los desarrolladores deberian considerar esto, ya que la mayoria de clientes manejan calendarios multiples. Es muy corta la solucion actual de HGL, hay muchas personas que han escrito y aun no esta ni en planificación mejorar esta opción.
No queda otra opcion que seguir usando Calendly! :(
Esteban V
The amount of time people spend building workarounds to this oversight could be spent solving real problems. The complexity and ingenuity put into the workarounds to this oversight dwarf how basic it is to fix the problem.
This original request was put in on November 11, 2022.
Don't let it get to November 11, 2024 before you address this oversight.
Calendly and HubSpot both offer this ability.
Dave Kelly
This is causing me an issue too.
I have different calendars linked to different lengths of meetings, but I have to manually add my availibility in both. When One person books a 45 minute call on one calendar, it still shows that slot as available on my 15 minute calendar. My availibility is not standard each week so in Calendly I manually add my availibility for the month and can have multiple different links for lengths of meetings on that one calendar.
It should be a relatively simple fix.
Dianne Beattie
Many of us use multiple sub-accounts for managing our business. We have a primary calendar and embed this throughout our businesses to keep this centralized.
Please consider adding the ability to CHOOSE your subaccount and CHOOSE the calendar within a subaccount.
This follows the same principle as preventing double booking and our ability to use our Zoom account within the calendar.
We all are familiar with the limitation of Zoom only being allowed in one subaccount. This will immediately address this constraint.
Harry Garstka
Olivia Verbit
Mackay Rippey
So important. +1
Paul Brady
Pretty much every calendar program except this one, allows you to determine availability by adding multiple calendars. Calendly, BookLikeABoss, etc. all allow it.
It is very typical to have a personal and business calendar and add them both to a calendar program (like calendly) so your customers can determine your availability across calendars. Or, as many Saaspreneurs will attest to, many run multiple businesses and need to be able to check availabilty against all.
This is a VITAL feature and the way GHL has implemented the calendar function, it does not work at all preventing anyone from using the calendar feature except for people using the simplest of implementations.
Calendly does a nice job of explaining exactly how availability works and how they check it across multiple calendars:
Please add this feature to GHL calendars. Without it, many of us are stuck using Calendly instead of GHL calendars.
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