Turn off Wordpress
Ezra Weinstein
Allow an agency to default Offer WordPress reselling to No, instead of having to turn it off manually on each location.
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Yusef Smith
Please allow us to get rid of references to wordpress agency-wide! This is confusing clients, and now more references to it are being added in various bits of the dashboard, plus pop up banners.
Tom Regier
Would also like the ability to be able to turn off all reselling features for all subaccounts instead of having to do it manually one at a time.
Bennett Black
#location-dashboard_container--banner {
display: none !important;
Is the css to hide both the yext and wordpress banner
Benjamin Gallagher
Now they have even added references to Wordpress in the staff/user settings... For those of us who don't want to sell Wordpress and are trying to hide all references to it as to not confuse our customers, this is a nightmare! Please create a way to hide all references to Wordpress when we are not actively reselling it!
Lucas Garvin
Yes. We should be able to turn off any reselling function by default. Either at the agency level, or preferably, at the SaaS Configurator / plan level.
John Byrd
Herman Pool
We need to be in control of what is offered to our clients.
John Betterr
please add controls to turn off all reselling at the agency level!
Kash Quartermaine
This has finally given me (a newbie) some insight into the wordpress / GHL Site builder confusion. I really don't like how vague they are with some aspects of GHL and super detailed in others. I want to build and sell websites to my clients for cheap as an initial sales hook for the SAAS plan. There is such limited info online about GHL website builder/hosting, and the Wordpress integration / wordpress hosting?? For my goals, I would completely ignore all the wordpress stuff right, and just make a subaccount, enable saas mode, disable all the user restrictions other than site builder/hosting, and then as I drip feed that client new features I just unlock the the user permissions as I go..? Can someone confirm this is how to go about it and elaborate on why the wordpress stuff is even there (I thought the GHL site builder was related to wordpress but now idk).
Dexx Williams
While we wait for this option to go live, if you want to disable the constant Alert Banners for Yext, Wordpress etc, you can add this CSS code (dont forget the bottom bracket below):
Location dashboard container banner
display:none !important;
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