✅ SaaS Control Panel (bulk edit existing SaaS accounts)
Iver Aune
We would like to have a true SaaS control panel where we can edit new and existing SaaS plans/sub-accounts.
✅ If I edit the subscription price - the new price should apply to both new and existing sub-accounts on that SaaS plan.
✅ If I Enable / Disable Products - the changes should apply to both new and existing sub-accounts on that SaaS plan.
✅ If I edit rebelling and reselling - the changes should apply to both new and existing sub-accounts on that SaaS plan.
✅ Same functionality for Complimentary Credit, User/Contact Limits, Subscription Settings, etc.
If I want to overwrite a setting for a specific sub-account, I should check a box in the Manage Client settings to overwrite the global SaaS plan settings, not the other way around as we do now.
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Lisa at Online Solutions
+ Sync all Contacts from Agency to Linked Sub-Account (used by the agency)
Micel Aragoncillo
It would be highly beneficial to implement a feature that allows for bulk enabling of SaaS across all of our clients. Additionally, a notification system that alerts us whenever a client has added their payment method would streamline the process significantly. With over 200 clients, manually enabling SaaS for each and then waiting for payment method updates before enabling billing can become a time-consuming and inefficient task. This feature would greatly enhance productivity and reduce operational delays.
I hope the backend team can see my comment and add this feature soon. Thank you!
Iver Aune
Please comment more settings we should have ability to bulk edit based on SaaS plans.