Create Toggle Option for SaaS Twilio Billing to be PREPAY ONLY, instead of billed after use so we can prevent SPAMMERS
Kyle Poston
We have now seen multiple instances of spammers who are creating SaaS accounts, using a payment method that does pass the authentication step, but then after they are in the account, they are quickly loading up 1,000's to 10,000's of contacts with phone numbers and quickly adding them to a single RVM campaign. This is costing us hundreds of $$$ because their Twilio Billing only kicks in AFTER they have sent the messages instead of requiring them to PRE-PAY for a certain number of messages based on their SaaS REBILL RATE. If they had to pre-pay, then we could avoid all of this SPAM and save all those contacts from getting spam messages that are just trying to steal money from people. The Pre-Pay option doesn't have to mandatory, but at least allow us to make it something that we can toggle on or off as a setting for the account, from the Agency level.
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RevEx Group
SaaS Twilio & Email Rebilling is already pre-paid for agencies on the LC Phone System. Please sign up for the beta here -
When an agency uses their own Twilio account we need to wait for Twilio to tell us the billing/costs which we later use to re-bill your clients. This creates latency. But with LC phone call, SMS & phone number charges are instantaneous, so the rebilling to your client will always be prepaid.
Elite 360
Here's the situation that happened to us...
A paying client (for 3 months) uploaded 64,000 contacts on 8/2/22. He then set up 5 email campaigns and scheduled them out. On the first blast, his balance fell below $0 (-$50+). On 8/3/22 the scheduled next blast went out again and his negative balance grew to -$180. on 8/4/22 the 3rd scheduled blast went out and the negative balance grew to -$300+. I then started looking into things so I went in and removed the users access and disabled all his account tools. What I didn't realize was that any scheduled campaigns or automations he had running, would continue. So, the 4th scheduled campaign went out and it grew to over -$500. By that time I caught it and was able to turn off all the campaigns and automations. To be safe I deleted the entire account.
Elite 360
The key is going to be automatically stopping all pre-set email campaigns, any active automations or 2-way text/conversations when their balance goes to $0.
Kyle Poston
In my specific experience, the scammers were smart, and likely already familiar with GHL because I caught one of their attempts in real time and they were working fast. They used a payment card to sign up for a free trial and their card passed the credit card payment authorization, then it loaded their account with the initial $10 balance. They then quickly loaded up a list of 25,000+ contacts and started a campaign to send a single RVM to all of them. When their account balance went into the negative, it did not stop the messages, the system just kept sending messages and allowed the balance to go way into the negative by -$1400 even though the payment method on file was failing to recharge a balance. I know some limitations have been put in place to minimize the number of messages that can be sent in the first week, but I think this is still a core issue of the matter, that messages can continue to be sent even when the balance goes into the negative and when the payment method on file fails to recharge. I created the GHL Idea post above to see if a core limitation can be put in place to stop all twilio based messages (SMS, RVM), and all Email activity (if it's on saas rebilling) WHEN the payment method on file fails to recharge the balance. This would prevent a lot of spam messages from being sent and it would prevent a financial loss on our end.