Track Lead Stage Duration
under review
Sarah Allred
The ability to run an overall report, see under agent reporting, or see on the dashboard how long leads sit in each pipeline stage. Would be amazing to see how efficiently we're moving people through the funnel!
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Richard Quinn
Yes this would be great! Has been Under Review for over a year... so doesn't look like a priority
Karim Bel Hadj Soulami
That would be great
Sales & Marketing
Merged in a post:
Dashboard to show length of time leads are sitting in stages of the pipelines
Hayley Brown
I would be great to show stats on length of time leads are sat in stages of the pipeline to give more of a focal point. Also a great addition would be to have each lead s box in the pipeline to show how long each individual one has been sat there for :)
Sales & Marketing
under review
Shelley Leary
Yes, and be able to sort them by time added to that pipeline stage, not just added to the pipeline