Automation Reporting
under review
Steven Elkins
Similar to Call/Agent/Appointment Reporting, could we get an Automation Report?
Ideas of Data to Included:
- Published workflows that can be filtered by date published
- Workflows executed, filtered by date and specific workflows (It would be important to be able to select multiple workflows, or select all in a particular folder. So we can distinguish sales vs. service related workflows)
- Workflows stopped on response (What workflows are getting responses and what ones are not?)
- Specifically user initiated Workflows, filtered by the user and date (We use workflows for prospecting sequences of manual calls and emails. New workflows>stops on response>appointments booked> pipeline stages advanced>deal closed)
This data will help us to calculate all of the time and money being saved thanks to Automations.
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Automation Reporting (Time Saved Metric)
Kanon Clark
With the new feature of Client Reporting on the Pro Plan, (SMS, Contacts, etc.) it would be awesome if there was a metric that measured "Time Saved" on using automations and workflows included in the report. I think clients would find it very valuable seeing how much time they've saved on automating tasks.
Sales & Marketing
under review