Sub Account Logos
Brien Gearin
Would be nice to have the ability to change the logo in each sub account. Would be a nice touch to provide even better experience for clients.
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MaryKay Mullally
I created this CSS code to display the subaccount logo for two different accounts. The two sets of code are identical except for the location ID and the image URL were different for each. The top one works and the bottom one doesn't.
I also tried using the url for the sub account 1 in the code for subaccoubnt 2 and it still didnt display the logo for sub account 2.
I also tried removing sub account 1 CSS code and only including sub account 2's CSS code to update the logo and it still didn't work.
This issue has had a ticket open for over two weeks - no resolution
@Core Platform Seems this is a bug in the back end of high level and would love some help...
Subaccount-1 Logo
/.subaccountID-1 .agency-logo {
min-height: 220px;
max-width: 220px;
height: 220px;
width: 220px;
margin-top: -40%;
margin-bottom: -40%;
/ {
min-height: 220px;
max-width: 220px;
height: 220px;
width: 220px;
margin-top: -40%;
margin-bottom: -40%;
Houtan Hormozian
Can you please vote on this
Rhett Esteban
Any update on this? Here's what I used at CSS
Subaccount Logo
/.yoursubagencyid .agency-logo {
content: url(;
min-height: 220px;
max-width: 220px;
height: 220px;
width: 220px;
margin-top: -40%;
margin-bottom: -40%;
This worked but I'm having issues trying to apply this to other sub-accounts. It's only 1 sub-account that changes. Any ideas?
Jeff R
I would love to see our sub-accounts logo
Joe Conlin
Ridiculous this isn't default but for anyone wanting the sub-account logo to be the uploaded logo for each, here is the code I use:
Change the body background
/body {
background: #f9fafb !important;
* Find the sub-account ID above in the div with the class sidebar-v2-location
* Grab the url from the uploaded logo and replace the url in the background-image property
.HJGJtpsokocnqWQ69Xrn .agency-logo-container {
background-image: url('') !important;
background-position: center !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
background-size: 100% !important;
padding-top: 51.428571% !important;
width: 92%;
margin: 0 auto !important;
Hide the agency logo
/.HJGJtpsokocnqWQ69Xrn .agency-logo-container img {
display: none !important;
Make agency logo bigger
/.agency-logo {
height: 100% !important;
Gerald Hennessey
Joe Conlin This looks great, thanks. Where can you insert this css where it will effect individual subaccounts?
Joe Conlin
Gerald Hennessey Agency view > Settings > Company.
Jay Leonen
Joe Conlin Thanks for this, much appreciated.
Question: Do the changes (agency logo) show when you are logged in as an agency admin viewing the sub-account whose logo you are changing? I've tried logging in as both myself and as a user on the sub-account but I am not seeing the supposed changes.
Joe Conlin
Jay Leonen Yes, the sub-account logo is shown admin, sub-account admin or sub-account user, it will always show the sub-account logo.
John Medina
Joe Conlin This is great, thanks for sharing! Question: My agency logo show on top of the background logo of the sub-account. (See attached image)
How can I remove my agency logo completely form sub-accounts?
Thank you in advance.
Angelie Dusanic
Joe Conlin May I know how to apply this code, I'm getting error
Claudia Whetstone
Joe Conlin * Find the sub-account ID above in the div with the class sidebar-v2-location .... do you mean a sub-account that is made when you first create your account (sub-account same name as Agency) ? or a specific sub account where you don't want to show Agency's Logo?
Buildly CRM
Any update here?
Alexander Aiello
Why haven't they added this feature, it's been 2 years
Kamal Hussain
Simple feature HUGE impact!
Core Platform & Sales & Marketing: This is NEEDED!!!
-> Branded CRM with client's logo & and sub-domain.
-> Branded funnel, website, form, survey, and calendar preview links using their own sub-domain.
-> Branded API Domain with trigger links, calendars, etc. using the client's domain.
-> Psychological aspect to increase stickiness and reduce churn.
+ RevEx Group
Craig Harwood
This would be good particularly for larger clients - they want everything under their corporate brand
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