Send Custom Video Messages from the Mobile App
Matt Phillips
Would love to be able to replicate what does and send personalised videos to leads from within the mobile app of GHL.Use Case:Lead comes in and goes into normal nurture sequence:If after a prescribed time (Even 15 minutes) the lead has not taken desiored action such as booking an appointment:The app will notifiy the user (of GHL) to record and send a personalised video.
Then the use clicks a button, it opens the mobile phone camera, they record, then add a caption, choose from a selection of pre-defined CTA's and then send to the lead.
Demo in this video:
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RevEx Group
Rachel Weiner
RevEx Group is there an article explaining how to do this? I see it marked as complete but am unsure how to get this done unless I missed something! thanks!
Matt Fawcett
RevEx Group is there a help doc on this feature?
RevEx Group
in progress
Dr. Derek Baron
Matt - you hit it on the head! This would be a great addition if we could change the pre-made message and add custom values to it. So all we would have to do is create the templated message once and it would be personalized then click the video record and once it's rendered click send!
Colleen McCartney
This would be pretty cool!