Save Photo of Business card after scanning
Michael Athens
I love the business card scanning ability (I hope it gets better since its still buggy) but it still saves a lot of time. It would be great if when you scanned someone's business card it saved it in their document for future reference
I also wouldn't mind if it saved all of the scanned text and made it into a not on the contact as well for future copy and paste into other contact fields since there are such few fields on the original contact creation page
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Keith Besherse
The original scan should have access to these standard fields (at a minimum): Tags, Contact Type, Contact Source, Business Name, and Website. Preferably address too.
I would like to have a notes field for all other data the OCR detected and 3 image fields (side 1, side 2, and logo).
Keith Besherse
Keith Besherse
Save image and all detected data from both sides.