Message Notifications
Anthony Olivieri
When a lead messages me, It would be nice to get a notification on my computer like most softwares do. I get the notification through the mobile app, but not from the web version... We have the notification bubble at the top right. But it doesn't pop up or make a sound when you get one...This will be super awesome to have to message people back as quick as possible! Speed is important!
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Cooper Wilburn
Are you guys talking about something like this? Where when you get a text there is a little bubble that would populate over conversations?
RevEx Group
Daniel Orrijola
This would be awesome
John Clendenning
Yep, most of our customers have asked us why their office staff can't be notified when a new website chat is initiated - several higher volume clients have opted to go back to Drift or Tawk for their website chat because they absolutely need this feature for their call center :(