Membership Courses - QUIZZES
under review
Lisa LaMagna
We need quizzes for membership courses to be anything near comparable to what's available in the market.
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Julia Mann
Gena Lester
Also when someone takes a quiz that is not graded it says pass- so it can show 30% as a grade and then pass which is confusing and as a teacher that is wrong. Instead of pass it should say finished or complete but not pass. Also on the graded section it would be nice to allow the instructor the option to show the explanation even if they fail the test
Shawn Hugh
I agree and then the Instructor could see their answers, but the test taker could only see it once... and the test taker does NOT get the right answers "given" to them
Keith Besherse
David Charon
Would love a text option in the quiz question type. Some questions in my quiz are multiple choice, some require a typed response (non-graded)
Viola Voltairine
David CharonYes, same here.
Syed Wajahat
Also add ability to bulk import questions when creating a quiz please, that is the most important ability of a quiz maker and i am surprized why it is still missing.
Bill S
Syed Wajahat- agree, this is really important.
RevEx Group
under review
Leeza Kulimanova
Suggestion #1 - Would love a text option in the quiz or allow for multiple questions in the assessment. It couldn’t be graded of course but it would allow for asking more open ended questions like “what did you accomplish this week?”
Viola Voltairine
Leeza Kulimanova yes, please!
Wilme Leverage
This is in now.
Jenny Rice
Also to be able to show the correct answer if they get it wrong
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