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Jacqueline Garrison
Hi there, for my clients they need to see if their business is growing while I am providing their services. They need to see a report on how things are going. Is this in the makings?
Josephine Teh
so where or how can we access this feature?
RevEx Group
Skyler Holman
RevEx Group: Where/how can we access this feature?
Josephine Teh
RevEx Group: After communicating with GHL Support Team, it has been confirmed that no enhancement/ new features as shared by any of the users below has been implemented or released. So far only the "Certificate" tab has been introduced which is not solving our main issues under the Analytic part, so marking this post/ idea as COMPLETED is NOT accurate and absurd.
It makes NO sense we tried hard to put everyone on the Membership/ Learning Portal when the basic tracking and performance report isn't available (clicking & viewing member's progress 1 by 1 for 50000+ members is not practical at all).
At the very least let us do the following actions for the time being (temporarily) until dev team introduced other better functions:
- Leaderboard (to showcase who has completed the most of the course)
- CSV file (downloadable/export so we can do our own sorting/ filter by course/ members)
Considering this post has gotten more than 200+ votes, clearly this is a HUGE DEAL for us, so appreciate if the dev team to please relook into this matter immediately and provide us with an alternative or solution. many thanks
Josephine Teh
Hi Admin, any update on this please
Skyler Holman
Is there any chance we could add a public leaderboard to this feature? It would be great to have a page where we can direct course participants to showcase who has completed the most of the course. A public quiz score leaderboard would also be fantastic! A leaderboard of any kind would greatly benefit my course participants. I hope others on this thread would find it beneficial as well. RevEx Group
Stockton Walbeck
Need a CSV export of this!
Steve Corney
If you're offering a membership/ learning portal you HAVE to be able to pull the data off the platform. Need at a minimum CSV export.
Also MUST have will be reports by users not by courses/ products.
Need to see progress in one report for user who is enrolled in multiple courses.
Kathi Randall
Just adding another vote to see a downloadable CSV file for course analytics. Would be great to downloaded the entire progress report for each person and also if we could add tags to filter and sort through the students.
Sebastian Cruze
Kathi Randall: Agreed
T Rivera
And hopefully we’ll be able to actually see who has access to what product!
RevEx Group
in progress
Kathi Randall
First step... make the progress report exportable as CSV... all the data is there, but I can't scrape it or export. Also, add toggle between "progress bar" and "raw % value"... at least I could screenshot that.
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