Improve image quality
Todd Heitner
Some images seem overly compressed and look pixelated. Where we've seen this most often is on background images and images that use parallax. They look grainy and pixelated, which gives it a low-quality appearance. On images using parallax, it would be nice to have a little more control over how it looks. Sometimes it appears like the image is zoomed in, which doesn't look good.
Possibly there could be more settings for image compression and how images with parallax appear.
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Justin Handley
This is a huge issue, and I don't actually see the settings Viet Le was taking about - my image URLs aren't in that structure.
Keira Solórzano
Do you have a solution? And it's also happening to me that I make prototypes for my clients but it turns out that the wall or background looks horrible on the page, very pixelated. This needs to be improved no matter what because the page's quality is noticeable, and it forces us to work on very simple things like a single-color background and this is not the idea. We are entering a launch and the page really looks very bad aesthetically for what we want, I would like to know if you can help us with this.
Viet Le
Keira Solórzano I've figured it out. When copying the link of your upload, their API will automatically reduce the quality to 80% and max width of 1200px. To Bypass this, you need to alter your copied URL parameters - take a look at the following URL: the items you want to pay attention to are q_100 and r_2000. They default at q_80 and r_1200, so just update those numbers and you're golden. One of the many stupid flaws their already stupid page builder. If my client hadn't requested using this, I would have never opted to use their platform.
David Schmeikal
What's the fix here? Where are these settings?
Iver Aune
Try to turn off image optimization.
It's a toggle setting in your funnel/website, and in each individual image.
Tyler Breinholt
I agree. They look quite bad, even if you have pre-compressed the image. It's interesting because they look great in preview, and terrible in the published version.
And it seems to be specifically the parallax and background images.