Add Info to Incoming Call Pop-Up
Joshua Satterlee
When someone calls to the web app, the name is displayed. It would be very useful if additional fields could be pulled in and displayed. For example, if the caller is an existing customer who owes us $3287, but wants to schedule an additional service, it would be great to know.
(A service called Weave already offers this...)
Or if the caller already has an appointment scheduled, it would be great to know.
Or if they are tagged as a "VIP", it may change behavior.
Multiple reasons to pull in this additional information and display it on the incoming call Pop-Up.
It would also be helpful in the Mobile App as well!
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Alec Mackay
Would love the names to pop up via the mobile app. I have a client getting 10-15 leads a day and they are finding it frustrating that if they get a call returned, they don't know how it is.
Ryan Peters
Need to have it so it autopops the client contact page...
Lemar Molina
You want something like this
Until GHL has a native option
Nate Tanner
Lemar Molina What service is that?
Contact King
This would be very helpful!
Niko Anagnostopoulos
Great way to gather segmentation info!