OUTLOOK FIX - Send emails from root domain (e.g. info@domain.com) + show header
Mirvjen Dollani
This is what it says when adding a subdomain and connecting with LC. However, currently, everyone who does this if failing MS Office users. I spent hours reading and "on behalf of" topic and could not find a solution. 99% of our clients use outlook, hence we need to fix how this looks on Outlook.
1- Fix "on behalf of" for the root domain email
2- Show header text (Contact <contact@go.domain.com> instead of contact@go.domain.com) at the top of the email - should be fixed for both subdomain emails and the root one
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Its the Outlook behaviour when the sending domain and From address domain was different.
Please use the same domain to avoid.
Mirvjen Dollani
Karthik - have outlook and only GHL emails come with wrong header (contact@go.domain.com instead of Contact <contact@go.domain.com>). This is not outlook behaviour, it's GHL behaviour ;)
Eddie Jackson
Mirvjen Dollani I've been dealing with this for months! GHL blames Outlook & Outlook blame GHL. This needs to be fixed. GHL need to speak with Outlook and sort this out we cannot keep trying to contact Outlook and nothing gets solved.
Eddie Jackson
Karthik Cannot use same domain as the dedicated domain and the user email domains are different?
Mirvjen Dollani
Eddie Jackson it's GHL, MS works fine for all the rest
Eddie Jackson
Mirvjen Dollani what has been your workaround?
Mirvjen Dollani
Eddie Jackson I don't think there is a workaround honestly. It is disappointing that GHL does not focus a lot on Microsoft (emails, sync, teams meeting, etc.)
Eddie Jackson
Mirvjen Dollani Very frustrating! ive got a major client and been trying to solve this issue since January this year and ive tried 6 different methods and workarounds that have not solved anything, each method has its own issue just as bad as the original...not impressed.
Mirvjen Dollani
Eddie Jackson worse part is that they mark it as resolved. Yeah good job blaming outlook when can't fix something. I've got outlook and everyone got headers all good except these GHL emails. I feel you, and these is one of the reasons I am not all in GHL...
Mirvjen Dollani
Update pls
Mirvjen Dollani
Update pls