Recurring Invoice
Channing Gardner
Ability to edit recurring invoices. A client needs to be billed the same time each month, but they may add or remove services month to month. editing the invoice would be great.
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Sales & Marketing
WebMyMoney Administrator
not only Edit, but being able to send recurring invoices through workflows
Val Kuikman
Invoices should be able to pick the exact date to go out every month. Makes no sense to pick the "third wednesday of every 1 month" when the invoice was sent on a specific date. No way to know when a sale will go through
Victor Mataraso
Additionally please make auto-emailing the invoice optional. Some of us need to make edits to add usage prior to the recurring invoice being sent. Ideally it can be created on the chosen day, then edited and sent in bulk manually when ready, still allowing for autopay on the due date.
Sales & Marketing
Victor Mataraso
Sales & Marketing Additionally please make auto-emailing the invoice optional. Some of us need to make edits to add usage prior to the recurring invoice being sent. Ideally it can be created on the chosen day, then edited and sent in bulk manually when ready, still allowing for autopay on the due date.
Chasity Scarberry
Really need to be able to edit date, amount, name and header once scheduled. This is such a pain when you have 100's of clients and someone needs to simply change their billing date from the 12th to the 15th to be fore flexible and customer service detailed. We do but having to delete and create a whole new invoice is annoying and time consuming.
Micha McLain
I agree this needs to happen. Sometimes we need to shift dates, add/remove services, offer a credit/discount for something that went wrong, etc. Regardless of the reason, we need the flexiblity of modifying recurring payments. Obviously, making changes should stop the saved card auto transactions and require the user to manually pay from then on, but otherwise, this should be a simple fix.
Fernando Vazquez
Yes, we really need this! I needed to adjust a recurring invoice's fee and it just didn't let me! I had to finalize the old one and create a new recurring from scratch
Kate Cooper
Also need the ability to delete a cancelled recurring invoice as this is not an option?
Wagner Vieitas
this is very needed!!!
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