Global Rule For SMS Sending Time
Brook Borup
The new invoice reminder feature is a welcome addition however, emails and SMS messages go out at midnight. NOT COOL.
We need to be able to turn off SMS to use this tool OR we need to have a global time that SMS can be sent out like the workflows have.
I hate getting yelled at by clients and this has become a problem. The only way to turn off the new notifications is to take a manual payment on your invoice because you can't void it if has a partial payment. You also can't change it once it has been sent or has a payment on it. So now my numbers are inflated too.
Please help us to make sure clients dont block us via sms bc of an automation we can't control.
Currently they shoot sms as soon as invoice is generated which is start of day 12am and they are doing configuration for this if there is enough interest in this feature.
Developer said to submit this type of issue to our ideas board. Rest assured, they are working on this issue.
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Sales & Marketing
Matthew Hofman
Any update on this in the native sms/email invoice automations? I'm sure we could manually make a workflow and disable the native sms but it should be an easy fix for the dev team...
Yanick Webster
I dont know if this would help, but is it possible to use a wait step in an automation? There you can set when actions are activated. Just a thought...
Skyler Talley
Yanick Webster THIS YES
Taft Systems
Yanick Websteri it’s not the same automation. There are native invoice automations managed from the payment section not from workflows