When payment is made thru GHL(paid calendar, checkout forms, invoices,etc.), Stripe data should include Calculation of Sales Tax, GST, or VAT
Jake Martinez
When a client buys something, books a paid appointment, or pays an invoice on GHL using Stripe, we're suggesting that the receipt they get from Stripe should show a clear breakdown of taxes. You can find more details about this on Stripe's support documentation here: https://stripe.com/docs/tax/custom.
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Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
in progress
Automatic tax calculation is in progress. We have our own native sales receipts feature which would include all tax line items, so referring to Stripe receipts may or may not work in the long run since we want to allow any payment provider on our platform
Dave Curtis
Sales & Marketing I'm glad to hear this is finally "In Progress" again but please get it right and provide the ability to show GST as per the image in Jake's Martinez original post. This must also include providing an invoice for items sold via rebilling or reselling in our local currencies. A receipt in USD with no tax shown as the current items being resold or rebilled is not satisfactory.
Ina Mewes
If not US based or selling to outside countries, the ability to show up taxes, based on the product and place of purchase should show up.
The integration with Stripe is already there. There it is possible to create products and to automatically add taxes. As only recurring payments can be imported as a product, this option is not available.
So if you want to sell to many, you only can go for your local market or need to add tax manually. This is not a proper workaround.
Hey guys, you want to go international. So this would be crucial.
Russ Webb
For clarity, if I'm on the same page here, we need the ability for the invoice to calculate the taxes based on the purchaser criteria. For example, if a Canadian buyer is buying from a Canadian eCommerce store, they have to pay a 5% GST tax. If they are from the US, the tax is not required. Right now, if we use the hosted checkout page in stripe, it does all this. We need GHL to do this too.
Sales & Marketing
You should be able to use sales receipts inside Payments -> Settings -> Receipts which will list this with manual taxes configured
Gareth Everson
Sales & Marketing It's a legal requirement in most countries where sales tax is levied (e.g. UK, Europe, Australia) to show the sales tax on the order / payment form itself, where the customer is buying the product. Can you confirm this is possible? And if so, how? Thanks.
Kirsten Williams
Does anyone have a work-a-round for this??
Kirsten Williams
Massively important to have the ability to show ex gst or inc gst on a product / cart funnel or website for AUS not to mention on invoices. Needed ASAP!
Annette Welsford
It is law in Australia to show GST on invoices. Failure to do so may incur serious issues for us with the Tax Department. Can you please get this activated.
Nomiki Georgiadis
Products too
We need both a + Tax line and a Tax inclusive line option in the receipt please
For example