Name your own price (donations) recurring payments
Keith Besherse
Please add the option to make form payments recurring at any frequency the customer chooses. This would round out the ability for nonprofit organizations to request variable amount donations.
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Josh Walker
Any update on an ETA for this?
Mitch Houston
Any update on ETA for this feature? I have about 10 non-profits that are chomping at the bit!
Keith Besherse
For those following this suggestion. Here is another suggestion which seems essential for every nonprofit I have encountered. They use text messaging to coordinate and empower volunteers.
Sales & Marketing
Christopher Di Armani
Sales & Marketing Awesome, thank you! My non-profit clients can't wait.
Walter Harris-Demelo
Sales & Marketing Do we have an ETA yet on this feature? It's desperately needed!
Nicholas Lombardi
Sales & Marketing
Keith Besherse
Sales & Marketing, this is great news!
Will the help document be updated to reflect?
I am not currently seeing the capability to add a recurrence option...
Renante Paglomutan
Sales & Marketing I don't see an additional control to set it as recurring. Am I missing something?
Christopher Di Armani
Renante Paglomutan, yes, same here. It seems the update is "completed" but not "released" to us yet. Hopefully it will be released soon.
Abdel Weston
Renante Paglomutan Sales & Marketing same here !!!
Robert Villegas
Sales & Marketing, It looks like this issue is not complete based on our request.
Renante Paglomutan
Sales & Marketing Any update on this? How can we set the name your price as recurring?
Sales & Marketing
Merged in a post:
💰💰💰Please make RECURRING PAYMENTS in FORMS possible!
Sports clubs, for example, must collect individual information from members via forms and at the same time collect recurring payments in this form
Christopher Di Armani
I work with three non-profits in my whitelabel GHL. Monthly recurring donations are their lifeblood, so yes, please, add this ability asap! They're not pleased I can't give them this option (yet).
Mark Felling
I'm going to be very specific to be as helpful as possible...
We also need name your price capability in Products and Memberships. Example I can create a donate product with 5 tiers of suggested monthly donation. It would be best to let the donor specify if it is a one-time donation, monthly, quarterly, or annual with the default being monthly. Then they fill in the amount. but some may want to show a few example teirs and then the last option one that the customer can specify the amount. This actually works in marketing for many things other than non-profits or donation. i.e. suggest your own price or what you're willing to pay or what you think it's worth.
Another area is memberships. This again applies to both nonprofits and for-profit organizations. Something Patreon leverages also. Many Patreon
High quality content creators said they actually receive more than they would have if they had specified an amount. Same on YouTube subscribers/supporters. The supporter can specify how much the membership is worth to them. Obviously choices here would have to be limited to monthly, quarterly or annual billing options. If the member had the ability to adjust the amount of their support/donation/ membership contribution at any time by increasing or decreasing or stopping would be nice.
Obviously the tools for community and courses/training for supporting /donating members of the nonprofit are already there. Just need the ability to let the member decide how much and how often rather than us deciding it for them in advance.
Thank you for listening and providing the CAPABILITY IN FORMS. But it would be best to not have this be complete but just the first stage.
Keith Besherse
Thank you, Mark Felling. Yes. The capability isn't complete unless it is available in all the ways a customer of our client can have the interaction. As the Client Portal gets built out it will be even more essential in the manage subscription function there!
Nicholas Lombardi
Any update ??
Keith Besherse
Nicholas Lombardi, did you vote?
Nicholas Lombardi
Keith Besherseyeah
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