Custom Object Fields available in Forms
PJ McCandless
Allow Custom Object fields to work in forms so that we can have more options for creating/updating Custom Objects.
For example, using a Chamber of Commerce: Having a member Custom Object with fields for organization information, membership level, renewal date, etc. This would allow us to build forms for the members to update certain points of information about their organization as they change that would be used in a public-facing member roster (that gets populated by the Custom Object list once automations are in place). This would also allow Chamber staff to manually update renewal and status information.
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Ayda Walsh
we need this. I would love ot be able to have a dropdown of object types on a form as well. For example if you have RENTAL EQUIPMENT - and have Equipments as an Object - I would love to be able to get a dropdown of equipment types so they can select on a form.
Brent Attaway
Just posted again about this in the fb group. This has got to be a major priority at this point. No? Bump this to the front lines of implementation please
Keith Besherse
Brent Attaway, you are correct. The skateboard model has outlived its usefulness.
John Naccarato.
100%. For real estate making offers on objects (properties) , negotiations, contracts, lost, etc. seeing where things are in the pipeline is a must as well!
Leigh Landeche
yes please! would love to have a form that will create an object and be able to assign it to a user who filled the form out. The way it sits how you manually have to do everything which is not very useful
Mike Lord
🙏 please please please! we are using like 1/10th the power of custom objects if we can't use them with forms, quizzes, and surveys.
Darryl Addison
Shaun Clark
I am going through a scenario where this is needed:
Use Case #1:
My client collects anonymous data from people (via form smh) and assigns a unique ID instead of a typical name/email to the set of data (for privacy). I want them to be able to enter this anonymous data electronically into a form and it be stored in the custom object database I created. *Because by law they can't collect email or phone at time of service.
Use Case #2:
I also want them to be able to upload the email/phone (once they acquire it at a later date), and then associate a contact with the anonymous data in the custom object table.
Final Result:
Whenever they want to look at anonymous data, they'll go to the Custom Object tab. Whenever they're viewing an individual contact profile, they should be able to see the custom object data if it's been associated with that particular contact.
Yordi van Eembergen
I would love to see custom objects added to the [object dropdown] (now available for standard objects only) in the forms/ survey Builder, so i can add custom fields from custom objects to forms & Surveys (especially surveys cause of logic feature). Important use case to enrich custom object data.
Lourens Swart
Yordi van Eembergen Just came here to type a similar comment!
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Can the custom fields for the Custom Object be in the form as well?
Bob Zhang
Jade Fickert
AstroPro Admin
Literally came here to research this. This is a must have to make custom objects useable. Check out "Podio" by Citrix. This is kind of the same thing I think the GHL guys are looking for when it comes to how custom objects work best. We for sure need this
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