Conditional Logic for Text Boxes (not Fields) in Forms (ie. Headings, sections, etc)
Dannielle Spencer
I'm switching some pretty robust forms from Formsite to GHL. One thing I've noticed is that I can only use conditional logic on the fields themselves. When you show/hide multiple fields at one time, it's often necessary (at least for me) to have a header that goes along with the group of questions. It'd be really nice if we were able to include the text boxes (not fields) in the logic so that headers and sections on forms can be shown more easily along with any questions that pertain to them.
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Karrie Anne Vitti
I need them for checkboxes
Jeff Kelly
This would be super helpful for our onboarding forms so that we can provide conditional instructions based on what the customer indicates their current sutation is in the fields they are filling out.
Iver Aune
Also, ability to show/hide T&C.
Now it must to be visible from start.
Also, ability to show/hide button.