The email tracking within HighLevel needs some major improvements.
GHL Users should be able to:
Filter contacts based on their email stats within the bulk action stats and email campaign stats
  • with the ability to run bulk actions on them (add to campaign, add tag, add to workflow)
Contact exports from email stats should include contact IDs at the very least
  • or the ability to select custom fields to include in the CSV file
Smart lists should support filtering based on Email Campaign data
  • sent, not sent, opened, clicked, complained, spam, etc
Smart lists should support generic filtering based on Email Campaign data
  • has been sent any campaign in the last X days
  • has opened any campaign in the last X days
  • etc
Adding the filtering to Smart Lists would solve almost all of the issues above.
Based on the data visible in the current stats / API - this data appears to exist already.
We just need the ability to filter / action those contacts.